[USS Hephaistos] ::

End of an Era

Posted on Wed Jul 4th, 2018 @ 1:22am by Captain James Warrington

Greetings Folks.

So I wanted to let you know of a decision that I've been thinking about for the last month. The TLDR is that for a variety of reasons I have decided to close the Hephaistos. While this is the end of an era here I am not stepping down from a command per se. Instead I will be trying something new under Division 74. For those that don't know Division 74 is where Pegasus Fleet supports non canon or even non startrek sims of all kinds and flavours. I hope to see a couple of you there. Admiral S'irra will be in touch soon to help you transfer characters to a new sim if you wish. This website will also be left live for the next two months.

It has been a pleasure and I look forward to the next chapter.

Live Long and Prosper.

Captain James Warrington
USS Hephaistos



Category: Sim Announcement


Comments (1)

by Lieutenant Calista Aereen MD on Wed Jul 4th, 2018 @ 1:34am

Sad to see the sim go. Hope to cross paths with you lot in the future.
